Friday, August 3, 2012

We are 6 months old

 The boys are now 6 months old, which is so hard for me to believe.  At 6 months they are almost sitting on their own, but still need support so they don't topple over.  They eat 6 ounce bottles every 3 hours during the day and enjoy two solid food "snacks" in the morning and afternoon, which they love.  I have finally stopped pumping (yahoo!!) so they are on 100% formula.  We switched to Earth's Best Organic formula and they are both doing great with it.  Jack's spit up/reflux is also getting better, thank God!  Our wallets have become even thinner with the absence of breastmilk.  We calculated that we spend about $15/day for formula...ouch!  It's no wonder Momma hasn't bought a new outfit in 6 months!  They go to bed at 8pm and wake up between 5 and 6am.  We still bathe the boys every night before bed.  It's a great way for the whole family to wind down.  Jack used to be a super sleeper but now Carter takes the prize for being a super sleeper.  Jack has been waking around 1 or 2 am and takes a bottle and then sleeps the rest of the night in the swing.  Our days consist of a morning walk in the stroller for about an hour.  Both boys usually fall asleep on the walk.  They play on the floor together, love their exersaucers and love to squeal and smile at each other.  They absolutely adore Hogan and will always smile and babble to him whenever he walks by.  No matter what their mood, they will always smile at Hogan.  It's amazing to watch!  They also LOVE Daddy!  When Daddy comes home the house erupts with smiles and excitement.  It's so fun to watch. 
 Eyelashes... So Beautiful.
 Baby Blue Eyes...Scrumptious.
Boat rides with Grammy and Grampy...Heaven.
