Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fun Boys!

 Baby Jack
 Carter Bean
 We can roll across the room now!  We've already had a few rolling accidents, which makes me realize that I need to baby proof this house from top to bottom.
 Have I mentioned before that Jack has a lot of energy?!?!   You should have heard the squeals that went along with this picture.  Carter is practicing some pilates poses here.  These boys are so flexible...I'm jealous!
 My Jackie
Carter, straight chillin'

I can't believe my boys are almost 6 months old already!  I have been speaking to a friend of mine who just had twins a month ago and she was asking me quesitons about handling twin newborns.  I couldn't believe how much stuff I already forgot.  I guess it all just becomes a blur when you're caring for infant twins. 

We've been enjoying long walks each morning followed by afternoon outdoor time.  I bring the boys out and lay them on a blanket in the grass and they stare up at the trees.  I love watching them take in the world all around them.  We brought the boys to their first hockey game last week.  They didn't take their eyes off the ice for the entire game!  We also decided to venture the beach a few weekends back to escape the heat.  It sounded fun in theory but I don't think we'll be taking them to the beach again until they can walk and enjoy it.  It was a ton of work for us and they could have cared less about being there. 

Next weeknd we're heading to Boston to visit friends and I'm SO excited!  I can't wait to get back there and to bring my new family to a place that means so much to Mommy and Daddy (and Hogan too).


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