Tuesday, September 4, 2012

7 Months

The boys are 7 months old!  At 7 months they sit unassisted (but I still put support all around them because if they see something out of reach they're not afraid to tumble for it).  The boys play on the floor a lot and are starting to scooch on their bums in preparation for crawling.  They smile all day and love to laugh at silly noises. They are both saying daaaa, daaaa, daaaa and baaaa, baaaa, baaaa quite a bit.  And when I put a finger foods on their tray they are now able to pick it up and bring it to their mouths...one step closer to feeding themselves! 

I am still serving them a variety of solid foods, most of which I make in my baby blender.  They seem to like just about anything I put in their mouths.  However, they tend to get constipated quite often so prunes are a popular breakfast food.

Our days are filled with morning, lunchtime and afternoon naps in between their bottles and meals.  Between two brothers and a dog they all do a pretty good job of entertaining themselves, which allows me to get some stuff done around the house. 

We're looking forward to fall and watching their amazing developments.  I love that they can sit and play with their toys on the floor and am looking forward to watching them learn how to crawl.


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