Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ten Months

At ten months we have two crawling babies!  They are still babbling lots saying "da-da" and "ma-ma" and are now clapping their hands together, which is absolutely adorable.  They also put their hand to their mouth and say "ba-ba-ba-ba" together.  When one is clapping, the other will clap right along with their brother.  Now that they can crawl they are playing peek-a-boo with each other by hiding behind the couch or another piece of furniture.  They are starting to pull themselves up on objects and will often climb on us.  They will sometimes now "fight" a diaper change, but with lots of singing and some toys I can usually distract them.  They prefer finger foods over spoon fed foods right now. 

Jack weighs 20 lbs and Carter weighs 22 lbs.  However, whenever a stranger meets the boys they always think that Jack is the heavier one because his face is rounder (just like a Franck).

They still light up our day and keep us on our toes.  They have taught us so much in the past 10 months but most of all they have taught us about love.  Our love for them just keeps growing and growing.  I will sometimes go in and watch them sleep at the end of a long day and I can feel my eyes filling with tears.  I'm so in love.


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