Saturday, April 28, 2012

On the Moooooove

The big boy car seats have arrived!  We had Carter give it a test run today and he seemed to love it.  He looks so tiny in the seat though so we won't be moving them into these car seats until later this summer or early fall.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Three Months!

Taking their three month photo right before feeding time makes for some unhappy looking babies.  Anyway, here they are in their three month photos.  Looking older and most certainly cuter.  As we turn the corner out of newborn babies and into the infant stage, I am working on getting them into more of a routine.  They have always been on the same feeding schedule but have been on sporadic napping schedules and sometimes don't really nap at all.  So instead of focusing so much on how much they eat I'm also going to emphasize napping throughout the day.  I'm really hoping that this will help ease the afternoon/evening meltdowns that we've been experiencing.  As I type, both babies are fed and napping.  Let's hope that the day continues down this path.  Now while I have a free second I'm going to hop off the computer and get some house stuff done.


PS--I just needed to add that 30 minutes after I typed this post Hogan started barking and woke both babies.  UGH!!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday snuggles

A moment of calm with Daddy and Jack on Sunday.  The rest of the day was anything but calm around here.  I love how Hogan is curled up on Daddy's shoulders like a small cat.  Poor pup just yearns for attention and love around here.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weekend Update

 Two sweet peas in the sink.  I'm holding Jack and Jared is holding Carter.  We've been trying to establish a bed time routine around here and a nightly bath is part of that routine.  We've had a few great nights of sleep lately and I'm hoping that this is the start of a new sleeping pattern.  We usually bathe the babies between 5pm and 6pm, feed them a bottle and then put them to bed around 7pm.  Then they are waking around midnight and then not again until 5am.  I'm really hoping this lasts because it gives me and Jared some quiet time in the evening to eat and relax and then we're getting some extra sleep in there as well.
 Dad holding baby Jack after his morning bottle.  I couldn't resist this picture of Dad rocking Jack this morning.  They both looked so content and peaceful. 
 We've had some amazing weather this spring and have been spending a lot of time outside.  Here we are at the lake enjoying the great outdoors.  I was able to spend most of the day outside with the boys and Hogan.  All that fresh air made for another great night of sleep for all.
Smiley Carter.  This little boy is such a morning baby.  He is all smiles from about 3am until his morning nap. 

I'll update again this week with some three month pictures of the boys.  I skipped the 2 month photos because I literally felt like I didn't have an extra second in my life last month.  "They" say that babies become easier as they get older so I'm hoping for a few extra seconds of free time in this next month. 


Sunday, April 15, 2012


Seeing the boys smile makes the sleepless nights, afternoon crying episodes, constant spit-up and dirty diapers all worth it. Funny thing is, they both smile the most around 3am when they wake up to feed. We'll get done feeding them and try to get them back to bed and both are smiling and making all sorts of sweet noises. Sometimes I can't help but play with them for a little while even though I'm beyond tired. They are starting to make cooing noises now and when I imitate their sounds they'll smile back at me. This is the start of our communication with one another and I'm loving it.
Saturday morning cleaning. I stayed home with Jack and cleaned the house while Jared took Carter to run errands around town. Before I know it Jack will be the one doing the vacuuming as part of his Saturday morning chores...or so I hope :-)
Carter giving Mommy morning smiles.
Carter and Daddy playing together.
Jack's amazing smile.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hogan and the Babies: A love hate kind of relationship

I think Hogan is getting better with the babies. He still drops his ball near them and waits for them to throw it. Eventually he won't be disappointed and they'll be throwing it nonstop for him.

We went to Bangor for Grammy's 60th Birthday and got to see all the baby cousins (minus Sweet Sally).


Thursday, April 5, 2012


My first Easter tree inspired by my friend, Rachael. I'm looking forward to my first Easter with my children this year. I can't wait for the days of Easter egg hunts and baskets.
Carter Bean Burrito
Jack. He looks so innocent and sweet here...let me inform you that this sweet baby was up crying from 1:30 am until 5:00 am. He was finally comforted with a ssssip from his bottle and a cuddle on Mommy's chest.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mornin' Smiles

Carter always wakes up at least a half hour before Jack so he and Mommy get some morning time together. He was extra smiley this morning and I was able to catch a few smiles on camera. What a fun boy he is!


Sunday, April 1, 2012


Here are a few pictures we had taken of our boys. Going through these pictures reminds me of just how blessed I am to have two absolutely perfect babies. They are the sweetest little beings and although there are days where I hardly have time to eat, my heart still swells with love for Jack and Carter.
