Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Three Months!

Taking their three month photo right before feeding time makes for some unhappy looking babies.  Anyway, here they are in their three month photos.  Looking older and most certainly cuter.  As we turn the corner out of newborn babies and into the infant stage, I am working on getting them into more of a routine.  They have always been on the same feeding schedule but have been on sporadic napping schedules and sometimes don't really nap at all.  So instead of focusing so much on how much they eat I'm also going to emphasize napping throughout the day.  I'm really hoping that this will help ease the afternoon/evening meltdowns that we've been experiencing.  As I type, both babies are fed and napping.  Let's hope that the day continues down this path.  Now while I have a free second I'm going to hop off the computer and get some house stuff done.


PS--I just needed to add that 30 minutes after I typed this post Hogan started barking and woke both babies.  UGH!!!!!

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