Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weekend Update

 Two sweet peas in the sink.  I'm holding Jack and Jared is holding Carter.  We've been trying to establish a bed time routine around here and a nightly bath is part of that routine.  We've had a few great nights of sleep lately and I'm hoping that this is the start of a new sleeping pattern.  We usually bathe the babies between 5pm and 6pm, feed them a bottle and then put them to bed around 7pm.  Then they are waking around midnight and then not again until 5am.  I'm really hoping this lasts because it gives me and Jared some quiet time in the evening to eat and relax and then we're getting some extra sleep in there as well.
 Dad holding baby Jack after his morning bottle.  I couldn't resist this picture of Dad rocking Jack this morning.  They both looked so content and peaceful. 
 We've had some amazing weather this spring and have been spending a lot of time outside.  Here we are at the lake enjoying the great outdoors.  I was able to spend most of the day outside with the boys and Hogan.  All that fresh air made for another great night of sleep for all.
Smiley Carter.  This little boy is such a morning baby.  He is all smiles from about 3am until his morning nap. 

I'll update again this week with some three month pictures of the boys.  I skipped the 2 month photos because I literally felt like I didn't have an extra second in my life last month.  "They" say that babies become easier as they get older so I'm hoping for a few extra seconds of free time in this next month. 


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