Monday, May 28, 2012

4 months old and 32 years young

 On May 23rd the boys turned 4 months old.  A few fun facts to share about our four month old babies:

Jack:  We got our first laugh out of Jack when we were out shopping one day.  It was absolutely amazing and brought tears to my eyes.  Baby laughs are the best.  I'm not sure how I ever lived without them for 32 years. 

Carter:  He is full of smiles from the moment he wakes up to the moment you lay him down in the crib to sleep.  He loves to squeal and coo and his brother.  He's also always blowing bubbles and looking to get anyone to laugh at him.
 Precious Jack.  He has the sweetest face and the best smile.  Love this little boy.
 Sweet Carter.  Full of personality and fun.
 Jack just melts my heart.

On May 26th I celebrated my 32nd birthday!  Grammy Terri and Papa John came to visit and we went out for lobster rolls for lunch.  Then on Sunday we went to our friend's camp on a lake and enjoyed great company and a delicous birthday cake.  It felt great to celebrate my first birthday as a Mom with my two most precious gifts.
 Hogan, who has turned the corner and become a great dog lately.  He has been so patient and has adapted well to our new life.  He spends a lot of time outside hanging out in the front yard and when he's inside he'll just hang around and not cause trouble.  He has had a history of destroying something in the house when left alone but (knock on wood) no longer does this.  I can leave him for several hours and will come home to a good dog.  I think he must know that life is different now and has finally accepted the babies and the slower pace.
He still gets to do lots of fun things though.  Here he is playing in the pond with Jared.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Boys of Summer

 Jack (left) and Carter (right)
Mom is dragging them outside again for a morning walk!

 Check out the chub!  I've always wanted chubby babies and my wish is being granted.  I'm loving all the rolls and chubby cheeks on my boys.
 My friend, Rachael and I taking the boys out for an afternoon walk.

The boys are almost 4 months old already.  They weigh roughly 16 lbs (Carter) and 15 lbs (Jack) and are super smiley and chatty.  It makes feeding times much longer because they are staring at me smiling and chatting away.  Do you know that we bought our very first pack of diapers this month?  We were able to go 3+ months on diapers that people purchased for us for baby showers.  It was a bit painful to start having to buy them seeing that we go through about 100 per week but this is reality.

Also, I am now officially a stay at home mommy!  We decided that I would not go back to work and will stay home full time to take care of our babies.  It feels good to not have to bring the boys to daycare or rush out of my house in the morning to get to work.  I'm so thankful that we are going to try and make this work. 

Looking forward to a long weekend ahead!  And it's also my birthday weekend so we'll be doing some celebrating with family. 


Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Thanks to my amazing husband for making my very first Mother's Day so special and memorable.  First off the babies slept for 7 hours and when they woke Jared took them both downstairs and fed and changed them.  I was able to sleep in and then woke up to breakfast prepared along with my favorite Starbucks coffee.  He also got me a mother's necklace with Jack and Carter's initials on it.  I'm so thankful and lucky to have such a loving husband and two of the most precious little miracles surrounding me everyday.

 Baby Jack's morning smiles.
 Daddy and Carter
Mother's Day breakfast: Oatmeal with almond milk (a new favorite).
My sweet little baby boys, Carter (L) and Jack (R).

I'd like to wish all of the Mom's, Mom's to be, and Mom's of children and animals alike a very Happy Mother's Day.  I had always heard that you don't truly appreciate the acts of a mother until you become one.  The unselfishness, the unconditional love, patience, the desire to want the absolute best for your children among so many other amazing qualities of a mom.  I always thanked my Mom for all that she did for me growing up but I'd love to truly thank her for ALL that she did.  My Mom was the most amazing Mother to ever walk this earth and for that I am so grateful. 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


"It is very important that children learn from their fathers
and mothers how to love one another-not in school,
not from the teacher, but from you.  
It is very important that you share with your children 
the joy of that smile.
There will be misunderstandings;
every family has its cross, its suffering.
Always be the first to forgive with a smile.
Be cheerful, be happy."
Mother Theresa

Monday, May 7, 2012


 With the Godparents, Kristina and Craig.

 Daddy with Jack
Mommy with Carter

What an incredibly special and amazing weekend we had.  The boys got baptized surrounded by our loving family on Sunday, May 6th.  We had them baptized at the church that I grew up in.  This is the church that I attended every Sunday and was even an alter server at.  The last time my whole family was together at this church was for my mother's funeral over 4 years ago.  To be together for such a special day to baptize our sons was very emotional and special. 

Something very deep and meaningful happened to our family this weekend through the baptism of our babies.  Jared and I were glowing all day Sunday and talking about how we are just so happy with the life we have been blessed with.  We are so fortunate to love one another deeply, to fall deeper in love with our children each day, to live a life of peace and happiness and to live comfortably in a home.  We've been given the greatest gifts by God and holding those special babies to have them baptized created a family bond and connection that did not exist as strongly before. 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mommy's little boys

 Carter (L) and Jack (R) playing on the floor.  I feel like they are starting to look more and more alike now that their cheeks are filling in.  They are the sweetest little boys. 

 Hanging out in the rocking chair together, holding hands and starting a friendship and relationship like no other.  I hope that their brotherly, twin bond is unbreakable and that they remain close throughout their lifetimes.  The Gordon brothers...don't mess with them!
 Jack enjoying a little spa night with Daddy.  Daddy does most of the baths around here and the boys just love it.  It's such a great bonding time for Daddy and his boys.
 Carter looking like a big boy here.  Sweetie pie.
 And Hogan.  He has been such a good dog lately (I hope I'm not jinxing this).  He's been so relaxed at the house and isn't having his moments of being a complete terror.  The boys are starting to notice him and whenever he gets near them they smile.  I think they are all going to grow to love each other.

These little boys are just melting my heart lately.  In addition to all of their "talking" and cooing at me, they are now starting to notice each other.  They'll smile at each other and will make noises when playing on the floor together.  It is so fun to watch!  As hard as twins are to take care of, it's these moments that make having two babies more fun then just one baby.
