Friday, June 15, 2012

We're still alive!

 All the cousins together at last!  It was so fun bringing all of the cousins together earlier this month.  On the couch you have Carter, Jack, Lydia, Josiah and Sally.  A whole bunch of Gordon's and one baby Hall. 
 4 1/2 month old baby Jack.  They are looking so much older to me lately. 
Carter Bean

So, I know I've been terrible about blogging lately, but there is a reason.  In an effort so save every penny we have so that I can be a stay at home mommy we have decided to get rid of internet at our home.  It's so difficult!!  I didn't realize how often I was on the computer for everything from staying connected through email and facebook to researching random baby things on  I miss it terribly, to say the least.  But, it's one of the many things that we're able to give up so that these boys can be home with Mom all day.  I still plan to keep up with the blog, just not as often as I'd like.

Anyway, things here are going very well!  We are having a blast watching our two little ones grow and discover new things.  They are both rolling over now!!  It's so fun to watch how strong they get so quickly but also so scary to think that before I know it they'll be crawling!  Our house is filled with lots of laughter and chatter as these two go back and forth "talking" all day. 

Looking ahead:  This afternoon we have our four month doctor's appointment to get shots and this weekend we're going to start solid foods!!  Their first solid will be a banana and I can't wait to see how they react. 

I'll update again shortly, hopefully with a video of the twins chatting.


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