Monday, February 13, 2012

The birth story of Jack and Carter

On Sunday, January 22nd Jared and I were taking the afternoon to rest and watch football. He had a hockey game around 8pm and before he left I told him to keep his phone on him just in case. I was feeling pretty uncomfortable and was having pelvic pains, lots of pressure and it felt like I was kind of peeing my pants. Nothing alarming at this point, but I knew that it would be best to get to bed early. The last thing I wanted was to go into early labor since I was only 34.4 weeks along.

When hubby got home at 10:30 pm, I woke up to go to the bathroom. As soon as I walked in the bathroom my water broke. There was no question in my mind that we were having these babies soon. I called my doctor and she told me to get to the hospital. Jared and I finished packing our hospital bags, took out the trash, did the dishes and dropped our dog off at the neighbors. I was having very mild contractions so getting the house prepared for our departure was totally doable at the time. Once I got into the car my contractions increased and off to the hospital we went. Upon arrival I was 3cm dilated and having regular contractions. Baby B (Jack) was still breach so we decided on a c-section. By 2:00 am I had two healthy baby boys! Jared and I cried as we heard their first cries and saw their perfect little faces for the first time. Everything happened just perfectly and my heart was filled with so much love on that night.

Both boys were breathing great but had to go to the NICU for monitoring. They ended up staying at the hospital for two weeks as they learned how to eat (suck, swallow and breath at the same time). Once they mastered that they were able to come home. It was a tough two weeks but it allowed me to recover from my c-section and prepare the house for their homecoming.

Jared was so relaxed during the whole process. We were both just so excited to meet our sons for the first time.

Talking to the doctor before going into the OR.

Jack Ammarell Gordon

Carter Craig Gordon

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