Sunday, February 19, 2012


Many people have asked us how our dog, Hogan is handling the new babies. As anyone who knows us can tell you, Hogan is like our first born child. He has been spoiled since the day we brought him home almost 4 years ago. He's not all that interested in the babies but now misbehaves more to get attention. For instance, as soon as my hands are full feeding a baby or pumping he'll pull something down from the counter or grab a baby toy. And his latest obsession is the babies binkies, which is a real problem seeing that the binkies live in the boys' mouths. Hopefully soon he'll adjust to the lack of attention and learn that these babies are here for good!


PS--Notice the large boxes in the background? We ordered about 1,000 diapers from over the weekend. We go through about 20 diapers a day, which means we'll be getting these shipments quite often. Free shipping and delivery right to your door...what more could a busy Mom ask for.


  1. This makes me laugh enough that my shoulders shake...I have nothing more to say xoxo
