Sunday, February 12, 2012

Double Baby Routine

We are all settling in at home and getting into somewhat of a routine, which I thrive off of. The boys are on the same feeding schedule and eat every three hours. Our days look like this:

Wake up to either Jack or Carter stirring in bed (usually Jack is the first one up), change his diaper, prepare two bottles, give 1st baby to my husband to feed, wake 2nd baby, change his diaper, feed 2nd baby, put both babies back to bed (sometimes one of them will need a little rocking), pump for 20 minutes, wash all bottles and pumping supplies, go back to bed. All in all this takes about 1 hour and happens at 5am, 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, 11pm, 2am. If my husband is not here then I usually feed each baby about 15 minutes apart.

During the day we try to have "play" time after their feedings in hopes that they sleep better during the night. We'll either have them on the activity mat, listen to some music, or just hold them and talk to them.

They are the sweetest little boys and have completely stolen my heart.


Best buds.

C in the bath

Hogan watching over the playtime.

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