Monday, February 20, 2012

Sweet Peas

I'm excited to start seeing the different personalities of these boys come through. Right now all we do is eat and sleep so I can't really define their personalities outside of these activities. One thing they both have in common is they love to eat. And when feeding time is over, they want to eat more. I sometimes prepare two, three and four bottles for them in a single feeding. This is why it can sometimes take almost two hours to get these boys fed. Ugh!

Jack -- "Pokey Puppy"

Jack loves to take his sweet time enjoying a bottle. He'll take a few sips, take a few moments to breathe and enjoy those sips, need a few burps, fall asleep, then wake up and take a few more sips, spit up everything he just took in, then need another bottle because he's still hungry because he spit everything up. He'd rather have smaller meals more frequently or graze all day. I know that for adults this way of eating is recommended but for a Mom and Dad who can't wait to get more than a 3 hour stretch of sleep this way of eating is not ideal. He's really sweet and is always reaching a hand out to touch his brother. He also makes the sweetest pips and peeps when he's sleeping. He's pretty calm, loves to be held and seems very observant. We think he's all Franck from his looks to his farts.

Carter -- "Gobby Guts"

Wow can this child eat!! He eats so fast and then is completely milk drunk. He's not quite as gassy as his brother but has already shown Mom and Dad a few blow-outs in his diaper. When he's awake he loves to look around and is slowly starting to make eye contact and watch Mom and Dad walk around a room. He has very fair skin and looks so much like his Dad. Carter just goes with the flow and will be carried around in your arms, he'll swing, or sit in his boppy and hang out. I can't get enough of his sweet face and love that he loves to be rocked and swayed back to sleep at night.

Love my boys to pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates! They're changing so much already. I am dying for Friday!! I can't wait to get my hands on those sweet little boys and Hogan will meet his new friend, Maple.
